Our Story

Why Plant?

4,000 new churches are planted each year, however 3,700 churches also close each year. Currently, we are only adding about 300 churches per year. This is not enough to keep up with population growth, much less the growing needs of the unaffiliated. We need to triple church planting within the next five years. It’s that urgent. We want to be a church that plants churches. Research shows that churches which are hardwired to start new churches not only plant more churches but also are more successful themselves. We want to be part of a revival. We believe the Lord is stirring in Gwinnett and Dekalb.  We know the greatest gift is JESUS, we want everyone to fully understand and experience the Kingdom message. We believe when we seek the kingdom of God we will see Isaiah 58:12 - "You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, and make the community livable again"  will come to fruition.


Gerardo "G" Mancilla will serve as the Pastor, he and his wife Morgan are passionate about sharing Jesus! They have seen God do amazing things in and through their life and they want to share that hope of Christ with everyone. They have two fun and wild kids Cruz and Camila. The family loves  being around friends and family, going to the beach, hiking in mountains, the Atlanta Braves and UGA football.

The Mancilla Family mission is to share the hope of Christ by walking in faith. The Lord has been so good through it all, in the valleys and the mountain tops and they have learned to trust in God and have seen all their needs be met. They are a living testimony of "The LORD is my shepherd and I lack nothing."